Home made vereniki – for sharing


The most humble looking salad. If my tongue had a lid, that lid would be blown off. Peeled and cubed apples mixed with onions:  The onions were cut really thin and pickled overnight in lemon juice, salt, and sugar solution, then mixed in with the apples.

The salt and acid does wonders with the crisp sweetness of an apple. This is a must-try if you haven’t already.


The Vereniki. Delicious hand made pockets of potato and cheese with a little prosciutto and salami.


Baby beet salad with lots of pickled onion and mixed green.


Nashil can cook too!


My Korean friend Nashil never cooked at home in Korea. Now in University, she’s trying her hand at some of the Korean classics: teokbokki (떡볶이and what I think is Buchujeon (부추전). The korean pancakes (jeon) were so tasty! The potato was cut into thin strips and fried until crispy. Then, it was dipped into a mixture of sesame oil and soy-sauce for even more oily flavor. We also had a soup with noodles – 사골국수, made of bone powder I think?! … although I didn’t prefer it, it provided contrast to the very spicy teokbokki.



I believe!! Quick and Easy Vegan Macaroni and Cheese


Used this Buzzfeed video to make vegan mac and cheese with gluten free pasta. It turned out waaay better than I thought, especially with a little help from my love 🙂

Note that instead of actually using potatoes, we used potato starch, and it may have even turned out better than the original. Incredibly creamy and rich, I felt like I was eating cheese – lots of it. Really though, I tend to not see it as cheese, but as a delicious creamy mayonnaise coating pasta, which I love.
